Role of Indehiscent in correct differentiation and lignification of the dehiscence zone. (A–C) Representative scanning electron microscopy of dehiscence zone in mature fruit of wild-type A. thaliana (A) and in two A. thaliana indehiscent mutants for ind-2 (B) and ind-1 (C). The ind-2 mutant lacks correct differentiation of valve margins. sl, separation layer; r, replum; v, valves. (D–F) Representative transverse sections of the mature fruit of wild-type A. thaliana (D) and in the two A. thaliana indehiscent mutants for ind-2 (E) and ind-1 (F), with lignin-specific staining with phloroglucinol. The ind-2 mutant lacks lignification of the valve margin cells. vb, vascular bundles; lm, lignified valve margin layer; lv, inner lignified valve cell layer. All scale bars represent 100 µm (reproduced with permission from Liljegren et al. [8]; with modifications).