Figure 6.
FPP® antioxidant effect by measuring the plasma antioxidant levels (GSH and SOD-1). Analysis of the total plasma antioxidant activity (glutathione GSH and superoxide dismutase SOD-1) taken before the sacrifice of the control mice (untreated) and mice treated daily with FPP® starting at 21 days before (group A), 14 days before (group B) and 3 days before (group C) the inoculation up to the sacrifice. Mice were treated only sublingually with FPP® at the concentration of 200 mg/Kg/mouse every day without interruption until the sacrifice of the animals. (A) Comparison between tumor size and GSH activity in control mice group and in mice groups treated with 200 mg/Kg/day of FPP® (groups A, B, C). Analysis of the quantification and detection of GSH activity (µM) was conducted by a colorimetric activity assay the concentration was determined by measuring the absorbance at 405 nm. (B) Comparison between tumor size and SOD-1 activity in control mice group and in mice groups treated with 200 mg/Kg/day of FPP® (groups A, B, C). Analysis of the quantification and detection of SOD-1 activity (U/mL) was conducted by a colorimetric activity assay and the absorbance was read at 450 nm. Data are expressed as means ± SE. * p < 0.05, *** p < 0.001, **** p < 0.0001.