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. 2018 Feb 13;35(1):29–62. doi: 10.1007/s10680-018-9467-3

Table 4.

Relative change of the size of workforce and retiree in China under nine retirement schemes with the 2010 population as baseline, for the years of 2030, 2040 and 2050

Total Female Male
Workforce Retiree Workforce Retiree Workforce Retiree
Baseline population in 2010 460,967,916 114,727,989 207,105,294 76,545,247 253,862,622 38,182,741
Relative change in 2030 under nine retirement schemes
A 17% 163% 11% 147% 22% 196%
B_e 26% 125% 20% 120% 31% 134%
B_l 20% 150% 14% 138% 25% 176%
C_e 30% 110% 29% 98% 31% 134%
C_l 21% 146% 16% 131% 25% 176%
D1_e 35% 89% 40% 66% 31% 134%
D1_l 22% 140% 20% 122% 25% 176%
D2_e 31% 104% 43% 58% 22% 196%
D2_l 21% 146% 20% 121% 22% 196%
Relative change in 2040 under nine retirement schemes
A 23% 245% 16% 215% 28% 307%
B_e 40% 177% 37% 158% 42% 214%
B_l 33% 204% 29% 181% 37% 251%
C_e 46% 154% 50% 125% 42% 214%
C_l 37% 189% 37% 158% 37% 251%
D1_e 54% 122% 67% 76% 42% 214%
D1_l 42% 169% 48% 129% 37% 251%
D2_e 54% 122% 67% 76% 42% 214%
D2_l 38% 185% 50% 125% 28% 307%
Relative change in 2050 under nine retirement schemes
A 22% 304% 17% 256% 26% 400%
B_e 39% 235% 32% 215% 44% 275%
B_l 39% 235% 32% 215% 44% 275%
C_e 44% 214% 43% 184% 44% 275%
C_l 44% 214% 43% 184% 44% 275%
D1_e 55% 170% 68% 118% 44% 275%
D1_l 55% 170% 68% 118% 44% 275%
D2_e 55% 170% 68% 118% 44% 275%
D2_l 55% 170% 68% 118% 44% 275%

The nine retirement schemes are A (the current retirement ages remain unchanged), B_e (everyone will prolong retirement by 5 years from 2015 to 2040), B_l (everyone will prolong retirement by 5 years from 2025 to 2050), C_e (females will retire at 60 and male at 65 from 2015 to 2040), C_l (females will retire at 60 and male at 65 from 2025 to 2050), D1_e (everyone will retire at 65 from 2015 to 2040), D1_l (everyone will retire at 65 from 2025 to 2050), D2_e (everyone will retire at 65 from 2015 to 2040 with females adjusted first), D2_l (everyone will retire at 65 from 2025 to 2050 with females adjusted first)