Fig. 5.
FFA productivity of Rs-HCA2 grown at high cell density. a Rs-HCA2 was grown photoheterotrophically in Sis minimal and SisH (Sis minimal medium supplemented with 150 mM succinate, 100 mM glucose, 150 mM glycerol, and 1% (w/v) yeast extracts) media and harvested at the exponential growth phase (OD660 of 2.0 in Sis minimal medium; OD660 of 6.0 in SisH medium). FFAs in the culture supernatants were measured, and the FFA productivity is illustrated with error bars from three independent experiments. b Rs-HCA2 was cultured in Sis minimal and SisH media under photoheterotrophic conditions; data shown are for one of three representative experiments