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. 2018 Dec 17;42(1):151–158. doi: 10.1002/clc.23125

Table 1.

Characteristics of study participants by alcohol consumption: MESA (N = 6506)

Alcohol consumption
Total (N = 6506) Never (n = 1322) Former (n = 1533) <1 drink/day (n = 2855) 1‐2 drinks/day (n = 579) >2 drinks/day (n = 217) Binge (n = 524) P‐value*
Age, mean (SD), years 62 (10) 64 (10) 63 (10) 61 (10) 62 (10) 59 (10) 58 (9) <0.0001
<65 years 3713 (57%) 665 (50%) 817 (53%) 1761 (62%) 324 (56%) 146 (67%) 390 (74%) <0.0001
≥65 years 2793 (43%) 657 (50%) 716 (47%) 1094 (38%) 255 (44%) 71 (33%) 134 (26%)
Men, n (%) 3074 (47%) 312 (24%) 806 (53%) 1385 (49%) 378 (65%) 193 (89%) 430 (82%) <0.0001
Women, n (%) 3432 (53%) 1010 (76%) 727 (47%) 1470 (51%) 201 (35%) 24 (11%) 94 (18%)
White 2539 (39%) 232 (18%) 474 (31%) 1339 (47%) 349 (60%) 145 (67%) 239 (46%) <0.0001
Chinese American 795 (12%) 426 (32%) 119 (8%) 223 (8%) 22 (4%) 5 (2%) 11 (2%)
Black 1716 (26%) 287 (22%) 552 (36%) 727 (25%) 120 (21%) 30 (14%) 105 (20%)
Hispanic 1456 (22%) 377 (29%) 388 (25%) 566 (20%) 88 (15%) 37 (17%) 169 (32%)
≥Bachelor's degree 2331 (36%) 311 (24%) 415 (27%) 1232 (43%) 283 (49%) 90 (41%) 162 (31%) <0.0001
<Bachelor's degree 4175 (64%) 1011 (76%) 1118 (73%) 1623 (57%) 296 (51%) 127 (59%) 362 (69%)
≥$40 000 3214 (49%) 407 (31%) 587 (38%) 1701 (60%) 369 (64%) 150 (69%) 303 (58%) <0.0001
<$40 000 3292 (51%) 915 (69%) 946 (62%) 1154 (40%) 210 (36%) 67 (31%) 221 (42%)
Health insurance
Yes 5925 (91%) 1126 (85%) 1395 (91%) 2655 (93%) 548 (95%) 201 (93%) 477 (91%) <0.0001
No 581 (9%) 196 (15%) 138 (9%) 200 (7%) 31 (5%) 16 (7%) 47 (9%)
LS7 metrics
Current smoking 839 (13%) 80 (6%) 187 (12%) 391 (14%) 112 (19%) 69 (32%) 173 (33%) <0.0001
Body mass index kg/m2 28 (6) 28 (6) 29 (6) 28 (5) 27 (5) 28 (4) 29 (4) <0.0001
Physical activity MET‐min/week 402 (605) 320 (539) 372 (594) 442 (630) 459 (606) 418 (674) 451 (737) <0.0001
Healthy diet score (0–5) 1.6 (0.9) 1.7 (0.9) 1.5 (0.9) 1.5 (0.9) 1.5 (0.9) 1.3 (0.9) 1.2 (0.8) <0.0001
Total cholesterol mg/dL 194 (36) 197 (36) 190 (36) 195 (36) 195 (35) 201 (35) 198 (38) <0.0001
Systolic blood pressure mm Hg 126 (21) 129 (22) 128 (22) 124 (21) 126 (21) 126 (18) 126 (20) <0.0001
Diastolic blood pressure mmHg 72 (10) 71 (10) 72 (10) 72 (10) 73 (10) 76 (10) 76 (10) <0.0001
Fasting blood glucose mg/dl 97 (30) 100 (33) 100 (34) 95 (27) 95 (27) 98 (28) 98 (30) <0.0001
Categories of ideal LS7 metrics
0‐2 1710 (26%) 358 (27%) 479 (31%) 652 (23%) 138 (24%) 83 (38%) 190 (36%) <0.0001
3‐5 4526 (70%) 923 (70%) 991 (65%) 2072 (73%) 411 (71%) 129 (59%) 326 (62%)
6‐7 270 (4%) 41 (3%) 63 (4%) 131 (5%) 30 (5%) 5 (2%) 8 (2%)
CVH score, n (%)
Inadequate (0‐8) 3080 (47%) 630 (48%) 828 (54%) 1230 (43%) 259 (45%) 133 (61%) 327 (62%)
Average (9, 10) 2120 (33%) 433 (33%) 448 (22%) 992 (35%) 183 (32%) 64 (29%) 144 (27%) <0.0001
Optimal (11‐14) 1306 (20%) 259 (20%) 257 (17%) 633 (22%) 137 (24%) 20 (9%) 53 (10%)

Abbreviations: CVH, Cardiovascular health; MESA, Multi‐Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis; SD, Standard deviation; LS7, Life's Simple 7’.

Percentages/numbers were rounded up to whole numbers except diet; LS7 metrics are expressed in mean (SD) except smoking; *P‐values compare differences between never, former, <1, 1 to 2, and >2; Total does not include binge drinking.