Figure 3.
More Complex acDC Cytokine Cocktails Induce APCs of Similar Phenotype
(A) CBMCs and PBMCs (2 × 106 per well in 48-well plates) were cultured using the indicated acDC cytokine cocktails followed by TNF-α, PGE2, IL-1β, and low-dose IL-7 after 24 h. At the end of this 48-h culture, the phenotype of adherent CD3−CD19−CD11c+ cells was assessed by flow cytometry using the indicated cell surface markers. A representative staining obtained from one CBMC sample (left) and one PBMC sample (right) is shown. (B) Cumulative data obtained from 3 CBMC donors (top) and 3 PBMC donors (bottom), displayed as the relative representation of CD14+ and CD14− cells among adherent CD3−CD19−CD11c+ cells expressing 0 to 3 different markers among HLA-DR, CD80, and CD86.