Table 1.
Overarching goals | Adaptation of the BMZI | Examination of psychometric properties | ||||
Aims | 1. Identification of relevant topics and development of an initial item pool | 2. Factorial validity | 3. Reliabilities | 4. Discriminant validity | 5. Criterion validity | 6. Measurement invariance |
Procedure | (a) Identification of need for age-specific adaptation of the BMZI (b) Test of comprehensibility |
Examination of: (a) Initial factorial validity (b) Factorial validity revised with an adapted item pool (c) Cross-validation |
Examination of: (a) Reliability of the factors (b) Reliability of the indicators (c) Test-retest reliability |
Examination of discriminant validity | Examination of criterion validity (validation with sport- and exercise-related self-concordance) | Examination of measurement invariance across activity levels, gender, and age |
Method | (a) Expert focus group and screening of relevant literature (b) Think-aloud-interviews to test the comprehensibility of the items among adolescents |
(a,b) ESEM with geomin rotation (c) RV coefficient for cross-validation |
(a) Composite reliability, average variance explained (b) Squared multiple correlations (c) Correlation of factor scores |
Fornell-Larcker criterion, HTMT ratio | Correlations of factor scores | ESEM with geomin rotation |
Sample | (a) 8 sport scientists and 4 psychologists (b) 4 adolescents |
(a) Sample A (n = 700) (b) Sample B (n = 788) (c) Sample C (n = 830) |
(a,b) Sample B (n = 788) (c) Subsample C (n = 265) |
Sample B (n = 788) | Sample B (n = 788) | Samples B (n = 788) and C (n = 830) |
BMZI, Bernese Motive and Goal Inventory; ESEM, exploratory structural equation modeling; HTMT ratio, heterotrait-monotrait ratio.