Fig. 4.
100Ru/101Ru ratios in μ100Ru units for repeated analyses of Shetland ophiolite chromitites that have been processed through 1° and 2° columns and microdistillation (filled symbols) and chromitites processed through 1° and microdistillation (open diamonds). The chromitites have identical compositions to the unprocessed Alfa Aesar standard within analytical uncertainties. Also shown are the 100Ru/101Ru ratios in μ100Ru units for repeated analyses of Os-Ir-Ru alloys from the Josephine ophiolite, Oregon, that have been purified by microdistillation. The alloy grains have an identical composition to the Alfa Aesar standard within analytical uncertainties. The 100Ru/101Ru ratios in μ100Ru units for repeated analyses of Hoba (IVB) has the same isotopic composition as reported by [6] within analytical error. These data have been corrected using an assumed oxygen isotope composition [32] and correction for mass fractionation using 99Ru/101Ru = 0.745075 and the isotopic species (see Table 4 for details).