Results for the 17O/16O and 18O/16O measurements for 5 separate analyses of a 104Ru enriched spike solution. These isotope ratios were obtained by measuring 104Ru16O217O and 104Ru16O218O. These data have been corrected for oxide interferences using an assumed oxygen isotope composition [32]. The 17O/16O vs. 18O/16O slopes for each measurement varies from run to run, and moreover, are not in agreement with the slope of the terrestrial fractionation line (0.095). No interferences were identified on either 104Ru16O217O or 104Ru16O218O. Thus, the change in slope from run to run and the offset from the terrestrial fractionation line likely indicates a non-mass-dependent fractionation of 17O/16O relative to 18O/16O, as discussed in text.