Allocation of C (%) in different aggregates size classes (>2, 0.25–2 0.0, 0.053–0.25, <0.053 mm) of surface soil (0–0.2 m) as influenced by crop rotation, residue retention, and tillage based crop establishment practices after six-year of rotation. RW, rice-wheat; RM, rice-maize; R−, residue removal; R+, residue retention; CTTPR-CT, puddled transplant rice followed by conventional till wheat/maize; NPTPR-ZT, non-puddled transplant rice followed by zero-till wheat/maize; ZTTPR-ZT, zero-till transplant rice followed by zero-till wheat/maize; ZTDSR-ZT, zero-till direct seeded rice followed by zero-till wheat/maize. Different lowercase letters in the same colour columns (for each main factor) are significantly different at p ≤ 0.05.