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. 2019 Apr 15;340:104–114. doi: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2019.01.001

Table 2.

Detail description of tillage based crop establishment treatments (Nandan et al., 2018).

Treatment notation Treatment description
Rice Wheat/maize
Conventional puddled transplanted rice followed by conventional till wheat/maize
Two dry–harrowing followed by two wet–tillage (puddling) and one planking was followed by manual transplanting of 25–30 days rice seedling with a row spacing of 20 cm and hill to hill spacing of 15 cm. Wheat was sown by broadcasting in conventionally tilled plots (2 harrowing +2 tillage +1 planking). Maize was sown by dibbling in conventionally tilled (2 harrowing +2 tillage +1 planking) plots.
Non–puddled transplanted rice followed by zero–till wheat/maize
Plots were prepared by dry tillage (two harrowing and planking) but not puddled. Plots were flooded one day before (24 h) transplanting to make soil soft and then 25–30 days old rice seedlings were transplanted in non–puddled soil at 20 cm row spacing and hill to hill spacing of 15 cm. Zero tillage for wheat and maize. Sowing was done using Zero-till happy–seeder machine. Wheat was sown at 20 cm row spacing and maize at 60 cm row spacing. If there were some pre–established weeds prior to wheat and maize sowing, were killed by applying glyphosate at 1.0 kg a.i. ha−1.
Zero–till transplanted rice followed by zero–till wheat/maize (ZTTPR–ZT) Rice seedlings were directly transplanted under zero–tillage conditions. All the pre–established weeds were killed by applying glyphosate at 1.0 kg ai ha−1 about a week before transplanting. The plots were flooded one day before transplanting of the seedling to make the soil soft. Line transplanting was done in flooded plots with row spacing of 20 cm and hill to hill spacing of 15 cm Same as above
Zero–till direct seeded rice followed by zero–till wheat/maize (ZTDSR–ZT) Rice was directly sown instead of transplanting in the main field under zero–tillage condition. Pre–established weeds were managed as in ZTTPR. Direct–seeding of rice was done using zero–till seed cum fertilizer drill in zero–till flat plots at 20 cm row spacing. The seedling was done on the same day the nursery sowing was done for transplanted rice treatments. Same as above