Figure 2.
Triptolide inhibits collagen production in vitro. Cardiac fibroblasts (CFs) grown in plates were treated with AngII (1 μM) and/or TP (1, 3, 10 μg/L) for 24 h. (A) Cytoskeleton staining by rhodamine-phalloidin (acts on F-actin). (B–C) Immunofluorescence staining of Col-I/III. (D) Cell size (n = 50). (E–F) Expression of Col-I and Col-III in CFs (n = 50). (G) Western blot analysis of the expression of Col-I, Col-III, and α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA) in CFs. Histograms represent the protein ratio normalized to GAPDH (n = 3). Bar = 10 μm. * p < 0.01 vs. medium; # p < 0.01 vs. AngII.