Table 1.
Pathways and signals involved in clock-to-clock communication.
Integration | SCN | CNS Clocks | Peripheral Clocks |
Intra-cellular | TTL oscillations: cAMP Ca2+ kinase/phosphatase |
TTL oscillations: cAMP Ca2+ kinase/phosphatase |
TTL oscillations: NAD(P)+/NAD(P)H AMP/ATP Redox balance |
Inter-cellular | Core-shell coupling: VIP, GABA, GRP, SP, CALR, ENK, glutamate |
Synaptic connections, AVP, GABA | Metabolites (glucose, fatty acids) EVs |
Inter-tissue | Photic input (via RHT): Glutamate, PACAP, SP Output to CNS clocks: AVP, GABA, DS |
Input from SCN: AVP, GABA, DS Neuroendocrine output: HRF |
Insulin, glucagon, GCs, ghrelin, leptin, etc. |
Systemic | Behaviour (sleep/wake, food intake) SNS/PNS |
SNS/PNS Melatonin PH |
Body’s clocks communicate with each other to process, integrate and translate environmental signals to adapt physiology and behaviour to the external time. The table shows some of the well-known pathways and signals that are involved in clock-to-clock synchronization at intracellular, intercellular, inter-tissue and systemic levels. TTL: transcriptional translational loop, VIP: vasointestinal polypeptide, GRP: gastrin-releasing peptide, SP: substance P, CALR: calretinin-releasing peptide, ENK: met-enkephalin, RHT: Retino-hypothalamic tract, PACAP: pituitary adenylyl cyclase activating peptide, CNS: Central nervous system, AVP: vasopressin, DS: diffusible signals, SNS: sympathetic nervous system, PNS: parasympathetic nervous system, HRF: hypothalamic releasing factors, PH: pituitary hormones, GCs: glucocorticoids, EVs: extracellular vesicles, FDRS: food-dependent resetting signals (insulin, glucagon, ghrelin, leptin, oxyntomodulin, etc), cAMP: cyclic-Adenosine monophosphate, GABA: gamma-aminobutyic acid, NAD: nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, AMP/ATP: Adenosine monophosphate/Adenosine triphosphate.