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. 2019 Jan 21;55(1):24. doi: 10.3390/medicina55010024

Table 1.

Items and factor loadings for the scales of nutrition-related parenting practices reported in the questionnaire completed by the parents of seven- to eight-year-old children.

Factors Items Factor Loading Median 25th P 75th P
Factor 1 Control of Unhealthy Food 0.006 −0.463 0.773
I have to ensure that my child does not eat too many sweets 0.851
I have to ensure that my child does not eat too many unhealthy snacks and fast food (potato chips, peanuts, pizza) 0.847
I have to ensure that my child does not drink too many soft drinks 0.835
I am hiding some food products from my child 0.410
Factor 2 Cost of and Preferences for Food −0.048 −0.734 0.525
I do not buy many fruits because they cost too much 0.840
I do not buy many vegetables because they cost too much 0.829
I do not buy many fruits because my family do not like them 0.720
I do not buy many vegetables because my family do not like them 0.707
Factor 3 Taking Care of Family Food 0.021 −0.595 0.636
I enjoy cooking for the family 0.741
I like trying new recipes 0.657
I usually plan what we will eat the next day 0.562
Factor 4 Encouragement −0.110 −0.563 0.721
I encourage my child to try new foods 0.750
I encourage my child to eat healthy foods before unhealthy ones 0.736
I encourage my child to eat a variety of foods 0.705
Factor 5 Pressure to Eat −0.007 −0.728 0.748
If my child says, ‘‘I’m not hungry,’’ I try to get her/him to eat anyway. 0.831
If I did not guide or regulate my child’s eating s/he would eat much less than s/he should 0.813
My child should eat all of the food on her/his plate. 0.658
Factor 6 Preparation of Food 0.048 −0.618 0.660
When cooking food, I usually choose something stewed, steamed or oven-cooked 0.706
In my family, food is more often baked in a pan than steamed or cooked in the oven −0.632
When I make food, I am choosing healthier foods 0.524
I model healthy eating for my child by eating healthy food myself 0.488
Factor 7 Food as a Reward or Punishment −0.075 −0.675 0.640
I use food as a reward for good behaviour 0.783
I use food as a punishment for bad behaviour by not giving chips, sweets, ice cream, etc. 0.769
Factor 8 Variety of Food 0.085 −0.524 0.689
My child eats a variety of foods 0.851
My child eats plenty of vegetables and fruits 0.826
Factor 9 Liberal Attitude 0.025 −0.667 0.642
I allow my child to eat snacks whenever s/he wants 0.739
I let my child eat whatever s/he wants 0.572
I allow my child to leave the table, even if the family is not done eating 0.507
Factor 10 Childs Involvement 0.053 −0.581 0.654
I involve my child in planning family meals 0.779
I allow my child to help prepare family meals 0.754
Factor 11 Mealtime −0.035 −0.764 0.678
In our family, it is often difficult to find a time when family members can sit down to a meal together 0.755
It is important that our family eat at least one meal a day together −0.699

P—Percentiles; n = 3006; Kaiser‒Meyer‒Olkin Test (KMO) of sampling adequacy—0.803; total variance explained 62.44%; 5-point Likert response scale (ranging from “Totally disagree” to “Totally agree,” with a neutral midpoint “Neither”) was used.