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. 2019 Jan 15;19(2):326. doi: 10.3390/s19020326
Algorithm 2 Ring Signature and Public Key Sharing.
  • 1:

    functionSignature (data_file)

  • 2:

        if user chose anonymity over blockchain then

  • 3:

            Generate an asymmetric public-private key pair skspub,skspriv

  • 4:

            hashp calculate hash of the data_file

  • 5:

            Create the Digital Signature using hashp and signers private key skspriv

  • 6:

            Share the public key skspub to the receiver using Diffie–Hellman key exchange

  • 7:

            Mix the signature with another network group to form a ring

  • 8:

        end if

  • 9:

    end function