Functional connectivity. a, For participants with no tinnitus, a comparison between hearing loss versus normal hearing revealed increased coherence between the pregenual anterior cingulate cortex and the left auditory cortex for the participants with hearing loss for the alpha frequency band. b, For participants with normal hearing, a comparison between tinnitus versus no tinnitus participants demonstrated a significant effect for the theta frequency band, revealing decrease coherence between the pregenual anterior cingulate cortex and the left auditory cortex and between the left auditory cortex and left parahippocampus, for tinnitus participants. c, For participants with hearing loss a comparison between tinnitus versus no tinnitus participants revealed a significant difference in phase coherence for the theta frequency band demonstrating that participants with tinnitus have decrease in coherence between the pregenual anterior cingulate cortex and the left auditory cortex and left parahippocampus, respectively as well as increased connectivity between the left auditory cortex and left parahippocampus for tinnitus participants. d, For participants with tinnitus, a comparison between hearing loss and normal hearing participants showed decrease in coherence between the pregenual anterior cingulate cortex and the left auditory cortex and left parahippocampus, respectively, and increased connectivity between the left auditory cortex and left parahippocampus for participant with hearing loss in the theta frequency band.