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. 2019 Jan 31;2019(1):CD012424. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD012424.pub2
Study IDa Adherence was measured Adherence data were reported Measurement of adherence Reported adherence resultsb
Gait, balance, and functional training
Almeida 2013 No No
Arantes 2015 Yes Yes Adherence to exercise programme Mean (range) number of sessions attended: exercise group = 22.1 (20 to 24), control group = 10.8 (10 to 12)
Barnett 2003 Yes Yes Attendance 33.7% of participants attended > 30/37 classes
Boongrid 2017 Yes Yes Repetitions, sets, duration 56.8% exercised ≥ 120 minutes a week at 12 months
Campbell 1997 Yes No
Clegg 2014 Yes Yes Attendance Mean attendance = 46%
Clemson 2010 No No
Clemson 2012 LiFE Yes Yes Adherence to exercise programme 76% still exercising at 6 months
Cornillon 2002 No No
Dadgari 2016 No No
Dangour 2011 Yes Yes Attendance Adherence: 38%
Day 2002 Yes Yes Attendance Mean (SD) number of sessions attended = 10 (3.8) of 15 sessions
Duque 2013 Yes Yes Adherence to exercise programme Adherence: 97%
El‐Khoury 2015 Yes Yes Started exercise programme Started the programme = 84%. Attended > 1 month = 73%
Gschwind 2015 Yes Yes Adherence to exercise programme Median (IQR): number of times iStoppFalls system used = 42 (57); duration = 11.7 hours (22); number of times balance exergames were performed = 24 (30); duration = 4.0 hours (6.9); number of strength exercises performed = 20 (31); duration = 7.9 hours (13.4)
Halvarsson 2013 Yes Yes Attendance Mean (range) adherence to the training sessions, intervention group: 87% (71% to 100%)
Halvarsson 2016 balance Yes Yes Attendance Mean (range) attendance, intervention group: 89% (66% to 100%)
Hamrick 2017 Yes Yes Attendance Mean attendance at yoga classes: 92%
Hirase 2015 Yes Yes Attendance Proportion of classes attended, foam rubber: 95.5%; stable surface: 93.3%; control: 91.2%
Iliffe 2015 Yes Yes Attendance Proportion attended ≥ 75% classes, group ex + OEP group: 40%. Attained ≥ 75% home exercise prescription of 90 minutes/week, OEP: 37%
Iwamoto 2009 Yes Yes Attendance Attendance at 3‐week programme: 100%
Karinkanta 2007 balance Yes Yes Attendance Mean attendance: 59%
Kerse 2010 Yes Yes Adherence to exercise programme Intervention group: exercised ≥ 2 a week = 55% of participants; walked ≥ 2 a week = 59%; exercised ≥ 3 a week = 25%; walked ≥ 3 a week = 37%; programme almost daily = 20%. Control group: completed all visits = 86% of participants
Kovacs 2013 Yes Yes Adherence to exercise programme Mean (range) attendance (/50 sessions): 80.6% (56% to 100%)
Lin 2007 No No
Liu‐Ambrose 2008 Yes Yes Adherence to exercise programme Intervention group. Completed programme ≥ 1 a week = 68% of participants; ≥ 2 a week = 57% of participants; ≥ 3 a week = 25% of participants
Liu‐Ambrose 2004 agility group Yes Yes Attendance Attendance, agility training group: 87.3%; stretching group: 78.8%
Lord 1995 Yes Yes Attendance Attendance at ≥ 60% classes: 75%. For these attendees, mean (range) number of classes attended: 60 (26 ‐ 82)
Lord 2003 Yes Yes Attendance Mean proportion of sessions attended: 42.3%
Luukinen 2007 No No
Madureira 2007 Yes Yes Adherence to exercise programme Proportion of participants who attended 100% of sessions: 60%. Proportion of participants who did home exercise ≥ 1 a week: 76.7%; ≥ 1 to 4 a week: 36.7%; every day: 40%
McMurdo 1997 Yes Yes Attendance Mean (range) proportion of sessions attended: 76% (46% to 100%)
Miko 2017 No No
Morgan 2004 Yes Yes Attendance Mean proportion of the 24 scheduled sessions attended: 70%. Participants who dropped out of the study completed an average of 31.7% of the exercise sessions compared with 82.9% completed session by those who did not drop out
Nitz 2004 No No
Reinsch 1992 No No
Robertson 2001a Yes Yes Adherence to exercise programme Performed exercises ≥ 2x/week = 72% of participants; ≥ 3x/week = 43% of participants. Walked ≥ 2x/week = 71% of participants
Sakamoto 2013 Yes No Adherence to exercise programme No data
Sales 2017 Yes Yes Attendance Mean adherence: 79.6%
Siegrist 2016 Yes Yes Attendance Proportion of participants who attended > 10 sessions: 82%. Proportion of participants who performed home exercise programme ≥ 10x: 46%
Smulders 2010 Yes Yes Attendance Proportion of sessions completed: 92.8%. Proportion of participants who completed 100% of sessions: 53.2%
Trombetti 2011 Yes Yes Attendance Mean attendance at exercise programme: 78%
Weerdesteyn 2006 Yes Yes Attendance Mean attendance at exercise sessions: 87%
Wolf 1996 balance No No
Yang 2012 Yes Yes Adherence to exercise programme Proportion of intervention participants with full adherence: 44.1%; exercised < 2x/week: 13.6%
Strength/resistance (including power)
Ansai 2015 resistance Yes Yes Adherence to exercise programme 56.5% performed ≥ 24 sessions for 16 weeks (50% intervention)
Fiatarone 1997 No No
Grahn Kronhed 2009 Yes Yes Attendance Mean attendance at scheduled sessions, exercise group: 24/30 sessions (median (range) 25 (13 ‐ 30)
Karinkanta 2007 resistance Yes Yes Attendance Mean attendance: 74%
Latham 2003 Yes Yes Attendance, exercise intensity Mean adherence: 82% of prescribed sessions. Mean (SD) exercise intensity at the end of training: 51% (13%) of 1 RM; 25% of participants reached the high intensity desired by the intervention
Liu‐Ambrose 2004 resistance Yes Yes Attendance Attendance, agility training group: 87.3%; stretching group: 78.8%
Vogler 2009 seated group Yes Yes Attendance Proportion of sessions completed: 70%
Woo 2007 resistance No No
Day 2015 Yes Yes Attendance, hours Mean (SD) class attendance (/96 classes offered): intervention 34.4 (SD 26.9); control 41.3 (26.1). Mean intervention dose = 25.8 hours
Huang 2010 No No
Li 2005 Yes Yes Attendance
Logghe 2009 Yes Yes Attendance Attendance at ≥ 80% of lessons: 47%
Merom 2016 Yes Yes Attendance Median (IQR) attendance to sessions was 56% (IQR 26% to 77%) (approximately 45 sessions)
Voukelatos 2007 No No
Wolf 2003 Yes Yes Attendance Mean (SD) attendance in the Tai Chi group: 76% (19); control group 81% (17)
Wolf 1996Tai Chi No No
Woo 2007 Tai Chi No No
Wu 2010 Com‐ex No No
Wu 2010 Home‐ex No No
Wu 2010 Tel‐ex Yes Yes Attendance Mean (SD) attendance in Tel‐ex group: 69% (27); Comm‐ex: 71% (27); Home‐ex: 38% (46). Mean (SD) total exercise time (hours): Tel‐ex: 30 (12); Comm‐ex: 31 (12); Home‐ex 17 (21)
General physical activity
Ebrahim 1997 No No
Resnick 2002 Yes Yes Adherence to exercise programme 7/10 intervention participants adhered to the recommended walking programme (20 minutes 3 a week). 2/10 engaged in a regular walking programme but did not meet the recommended dose. 1 did not engage in any exercise. None of the 7 control group participants started an exercise programme during the course of the study
Voukelatos 2015 No No
Exercise versus exercise
Ballard 2004 No No
Barker 2016 Yes Yes Adherence to exercise programme Proportion attended over 75% of the classes: 95%
Davis 2011 No No
Helbostad 2004 No No
Hwang 2016 Yes Yes Attendance Proportion attended >20 sessions: Tai Chi group 78%; lower limb group 72%
Kemmler 2010 No No
Kwok 2016 No
Kyrdalen 2014 Yes Yes Attendance Mean(SD) attendance, OEP group: 21.9 (SD 2.7) out of the possible 24 exercise sessions; OEP home: 32.8 (2.8) out of the recommended 36 exercise sessions
LaStayo 2017 Yes Yes Attendance In both groups, all participants completed ≥ requisite minimum 18/36 exercise classes and > 90% of participants who > 28/36 exercise classes
Liston 2014 No No
Lurie 2013 No No
Mirelman 2016 No Yes
Morone 2016 No No
Morrison 2018 Yes Yes Adherence to exercise programme Proportion who completed the training or all sessions in Wii group: < 50%
Okubo 2016 Yes Yes Repetitions, sets, duration Mean (SD) exercise, balance group: 1.4 (0.5) sets/day, for 4.6 (2.0) days/week; walking group: 45.2 (24.5) min/day of walking for 4.3 (1.7) days week
Shigematsu 2008 No No
Skelton 2005 Yes Yes Started exercise programme Proportion of intervention participants who completed > 1 intervention session: 73%
Steadman 2003 No No
Taylor 2012 Yes Yes Attendance Median (IQR) attendance at exercise programme: 79% (49% to 90%)
Verrusio 2017 No No
Yamada 2010 Yes Yes Attendance Median (IQR) adherence: 100% (74% to 100%) for each group
Yamada 2012 Yes Yes Attendance Median (IQR) adherence in complex course group: 96% (88% to 100%); simple course group: 96% (88% to 100%)
Yamada 2013 Yes Yes Attendance Median (IQR) adherence, multitarget stepping programme: 93% (83% to 96%); walking programme: 92% (83% to 96%)
Multiple primary exercise categories
Ansai 2015 multicomponent* Yes Yes Adherence to exercise programme 34.7% performed ≥ 24 sessions for 16 weeks (50% intervention)
Arkkukangas 2015 Yes Yes Adherence to exercise programme Adherent = 73, not adherent = 27. Definition of adherence unclear
Beyer 2007c Yes Yes Attendance Training compliance was on average 79% (42 ‐ 100%)
Brown 2002c Yes Yes Attendance Mean attendance 84.6% (22/26 sessions), range 62% to 100%
Buchner 1997 No No
Bunout 2005c Yes Yes Attendance 58% attended > 50% of sessions
Carter 2002 Yes Yes Attendance Attendance: 89%
Cerny 1998c No No
Clemson 2012 structuredc Yes Yes Adherence to exercise programme 71% still exercising at 6 months
Freiberger 2007c Yes Yes Attendance Proportion of intervention participants participating in > 75% of sessions: 77%
Gill 2016c Yes Yes Attendance Mean attendance at scheduled sessions, physical activity group: 68%; median (IQR) 71% (50% to 83%)
Haines 2009c Yes Yes Adherence to exercise programme Number of intervention participants who adhered to exercise in week 8: ≥ 1 a week = 8/19; ≥ 2 a week = 4/19
Hauer 2001c Yes Yes Adherence to exercise programme Mean adherence, intervention group: 85.4%; control group: 84.2%
Irez 2011c Yes Yes Attendance Proportion of sessions completed: 92%
Kamide 2009* Yes Yes Adherence to exercise programme Intervention participants. Completed intervention > 3 a week, 19/23 (82.6%) participants; completed intervention > 2 a wk, 21/23 (91.3%) participants
Karinkanta 2007 resistance and balance groupsc Yes Yes Attendance Mean attendance: 67%
Kim 2014c Yes Yes Attendance; exercise sessions at home Intervention group. Mean (range) attendance at sessions: 75.3% (64% ‐ 86%); mean frequency of home exercise programme: 3.4 a week; mean exercise time: 24.9 minutes
Korpelainen 2006 Yes Yes Attendance Intervention group. Mean attendance at sessions: 75%; mean frequency of home exercise programme: 3 a week
Lehtola 2000 Yes Yes Adherence to exercise programme "Active participants": 52 participants; "Passive participants": 20
Means 2005c No No
Ng 2015c Yes Yes Attendance Mean attendance: physical training 85%, control 94%
Park 2008 No No
Rubenstein 2000 Yes Yes Attendance Exercise participants attended 84% of the exercise sessions
Sherrington 2014c Yes Yes Reps, sets, duration Proportion of prescribed repetitions completed in 12th month: 47%
Suzuki 2004c Yes Yes Attendance Mean attendance at exercise classes: 75.3%
Uusi‐Rasi 2015c Yes Yes Attendance Mean (range) attendance at group training: 72.8% (0% to 97.4%); home training sessions: 66.1% (0% to 100%)
Vogler 2009 Weight‐bearing group Yes Yes Attendance Proportion of sessions completed: 62%