(A) The Mutagenesis Index Score (MIS) rates the potential
mutability of P. falciparum genes based on the number of
recovered CDS insertions relative to the potential number that could be
recovered. Genes known as dispensable or essential are highlighted.
(B) MIS violin plots of GO processes grouped from lowest to
highest dispensability, according to gene functional annotations.
(C) MIS plots and (D) high-resolution chromosome
maps highlighting important genes of interest for RNA metabolism [−20kb,
+20kb] (see also fig.
S4 for MIS plots of other genes of interest. (E) The
Mutagenesis Fitness Score (MFS) estimates the relative growth fitness cost for
mutating a gene based on its normalized QIseq sequencing reads distribution.
(F) MIS has significant correlation to MFS (Pearson’s R
= 0.67, p < 2.2e-16 compared with permutation). (G) The
first and second MFS quartiles were comprised primarily of non-mutable genes,
the 4th quartile was comprised mostly of mutable genes, and
3rd quartile had nearly equal numbers of both.