Fig. 2.
Regional p62 inclusions in control, iPD and G2019S LRRK2 cases as determined by immunohistochemistry. p62 immunopositive LBs were found both in iPD and G2019S cases but not in controls (A-C). Some oligodendroglial inclusions (Black arrows) were immunopositive for p62 in the nigra (B, C). p62 deposits were also noted in medium spiny neurons in basal ganglia of both iPD and G2019S cases (E, F). In amygdala, extracellular p62 granular deposits were noted (H) and abundant cortical type LBs seen in a G2019S case (I). Cortical LBs immunopositive for p62 were also observed in frontal cotex of both PD subgroups (K, L). For all the regions, control cases remained negative for p62 aggregates (A, D, G, J). Scale bar represents 10 μm in all except it is 30 μm in H. Consensus read outs of LB and LN scores in four regions (combined) analysed in iPD and G2019S cases (*** denotes P < 0.001 Mann-Whitney U test) with the lines representing the mean scores.