Fig 4. Day and night time activity at CNR, JAX and KI.
Box plots (cages) showing global activity (ordinate) of the five cages during day time (A, D, G) and night-time (B, E, H) across 11–13 weeks for each day of the cage-change cycle (abscissa; 0 being day of cage-change). Weeks at each site are presented separately for each day of the cage-change cycle. Asterisk denote day of cage-change while double asterisk indicates day of weighing. At all three sites there were significant variation in day-time activity between weekdays (p<0.001) and also between weeks at each site (p<0.02–0.001), however, the week-to-week variation in activity did not co-vary with the variation of activity between weekday (weekday*week p>0.05).