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. 2019 Jan 23;15(1):e1006646. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1006646

Table 3. Parameter descriptions for infection models (equations systems 3 and 4), default values and biologically realistic ranges.

Parameters value that were chosen for the results to be biologically consistent are indicated by ‘calibrated’. Parameter values that can be set arbitrarily without affecting the results qualitatively are referred to as ‘fixed’. Parameters varied without any a priori assumption are indicated by ‘free’.

Default Range Ref
HPV models
β Infection rate of HPV virions (cell−1⋅ virion−1⋅ day−1) 10−10 [10−15; 10−5] fixed
ρa Replication in upper layers driven by wart-associated and HR HPV (day−1) 0.78 [0; 5] [37]
ab Multiplicative replication factor by HR-HPV in basal cells 1.5 [1; 10] [37]
ap Multiplicative replication factor by HR-HPV in parabasal cells 2.0 [1; 10] [37]
θ Differentiated keratinocyte wart-associated HPV-infected burst size (day−1) 106 [102; 108] [63]
Differentiated keratinocyte HR-HPV-infected burst size (day−1) 104 [102; 108] [63]
ζ Virion clearance rate by mucus (day−1) 1.18 [0.2; 3] [18, 19]
κ Removal rate by adaptive response (day−1) 0.0024 [0; 0.1] fixed
σ Adaptive response growth rate in HPV infection (HR 0.001) 0.0001 + calibrated
Chlamydia model
βb Infection rate of EBs in basal layer (cell−1⋅ EB−1⋅ day−1) 3.0x10−6 [0; 2.31] [1719]
βp Infection rate of EBs in parabasal layer (cell−1⋅ EB−1⋅ day−1) 5.0x10−6 [0; 2.31] [1719]
βu Infection rate of EBs in upper layers (cell−1⋅ EB−1⋅ day−1) 1.0x10−5 [0; 2.31] [1719]
α Chlamydia’s killing rate of infected cell (day−1) 0.6 [0.01; 0.6] [16, 17, 1719]
Θ Chlamydia-infected cell burst size (day−1) 200 [200; 500] [16, 17]
ζu EB clearance rate by mucus (day−1) 2 [0.01; 10] [18, 19]
ζp EB clearance rate by macrophages (day−1) 4 [0.01; 10] [18, 19]
ηu EB migration rate down the epithelial column (day−1) 0.005 [0; 1] free
ηl EB migration rate up the epithelial column (day−1) 0.001 [0; 1] free
f Fraction of removed infected cells that recover (day−1) 0.6 [0; 1] free
γ Removal rate by adaptive response (day−1) 0.2 [10−4; 0.5] [1719]
φ Adaptive response growth rate in chlamydia infection 0.0001 + calibrated