Fig. 5.
The OTP measured with ASL in domains discriminated in cortical (A) and nuclear (B) intact fiber cell membrane samples obtained separately from porcine eye lenses. Symbols are as follows: ▲ - CBD; ■ - bulk domain; ▼ - trapped lipids. Mean values (Mean) and standard deviations (SD) obtained from triple-exponential fits for each group are indicated. Dashed lines indicate the interval around the mean values outside of which the differences between means are statistically significant (P ≤ 0.05). These results were obtained based on the analysis of SR signals for ASL as indicated in Figs. 3B and 4B. The value of the OTP in the bulk domain of the cortical LLMs is 2.85 μs−1, and the values of the OTP in the bulk domain and in the CBD of the nuclear LLMs are 3.0 and 0.52 μs−1, respectively.