Figure 1.
Illustration of the visible structures corresponding to the thalamic area in axial view on the SWI acquired at 7T, based upon the illustration from the pioneering work of Abosch et al.21. In panel A the SWI features are compared with the Schalterbrand atlas (plate 53 Hd + 3.5) superimposed on the right thalamus. The arrows and the respective color contours indicate the nuclei: Vim, Pulvinar (Pu), ventro-caudalus (Vc), ventro-odalis (Vo), the medio-dorsal group (MD) and the internal capsule (ic). The shown SWI image is part of the dataset used in this study. Panel B gives a corresponding axial plate of the Morel’s atlas where the (same) color (shade) matches appropriate regions of the Shalternbrand’s atlas, while keeping the same nomenclature used in each one of them. In fact, considering the Morel’s atlas59 nomenclature, Vim is part of the Ventro-Lateral-posterior nuclei, which furthermore, together with ventro-lateral anterior and ventro-posterior nuclei form the ventral latero-ventral (VLV) group of nuclei.