Figure 3.
Visual representation of the comparison between the methods. Panel a give the results in axial view of each young subject respectively (YS1-YS5), while panel b shows a 3D view of the Subject YS2’s outlined Vim, as well as its localization inside the VLV cluster and within the thalamus. Among the shown findings, the Guiot points are given in magenta, the manual Vim delineation in yellow and the automatically segmented VLV cluster in red. The remaining automatically delineated clusters shown in panel A are: Pulvinar (Pu), medio-dorsal (MD) and the anterior (A) group of nuclei as well as the cluster enclosing the centro-lateral and the lateral posterior nuclei along with the medial part of the Pulvinar (CL-LP-PuM). It can be seen that for all the subjects the Guiot points are always inside and/or on the border of the manual delineation, which furthermore is observed in the anterior-lateral part of the VLV cluster close to its lateral border.