Fig. 1.
Crystal structure and OER activity of SrCo0.9Ir0.1O3−δ. Crystal structures of a PLD-SrIrO317, b pseudo-cubic SrCo0.9Ir0.1O3−δ, and c m-SrIrO3. d scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images of as-prepared m-SrIrO3 (scale bar, 5 µm) and SrCo0.9Ir0.1O3−δ (scale bar, 20 µm). e Rietveld refinement of X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns of as-prepared m-SrIrO3 and SrCo0.9Ir0.1O3−δ; minor IrO2 phase is found in the as-prepared m-SrIrO3 and a single SrCo0.9Ir0.1O3−δ phase is obtained; the reliability factors for m-SrIrO3 are Rwp = 8.41%, Rp = 6.47%, x2 = 3.398; the reliability factors for the SrCo0.9Ir0.1O3−δ are Rwp = 2.52%, Rp = 1.95%, x2 = 1.521. During the refinement, the structure parameters (space group: C 2/c) of SrIrO3 reported by Qasim is used and only the lattice parameters of m-SrIrO3 were refined19. The refined lattice parameters for m-SrIrO3 are a = 5.5865(8), b = 9.648(1), c = 14.153(1), alpha = 90°, beta = 93.048(9)°, and gamma = 90°. The detailed structure parameters for SrCo0.9Ir0.1O3−δ are presented in Supplementary Table 1. A refined occupancy ratio for Ir in SrCo0.9Ir0.1O3−δ is 0.093, which confirms the Ir has been successfully doped in the Co site. f, g High-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) images taken from m-SrIrO3 and SrCo0.9Ir0.1O3−δ (scale bar, 5 nm). The corresponding inverse fast Fourier transformed (FFT) images are taken from white square box regions (scale bar, 5 1/nm). The measured interplanar distances from inverse FFT images correspond well with the XRD refinement results, which are in brackets. The selected area electron diffraction (SAED) patterns from corresponding zone axes are presented and indexed based on the data from XRD refinement. h Specific OER activities of IrO2, m-SrIrO3, and SrCo0.9Ir0.1O3−δ in 0.1 M HClO4. The specific OER activities of PLD-SrIrO3 in 0.5 M H2SO4 are from the literature13. For the activity of PLD-SrIrO3 samples, the activity evolution within 0–10 min and 2–30 h are shown as bars. i Calculated range for turnover frequency (TOFs) of Ir from different samples at an overpotential of 270 mV. The TOFs are calculated by assuming Ir at outermost surfaces (upper limit), Ir from reconstructed surface regions (the intermediate value) and all Ir from the bulk (lower limit) are involved in catalyzing water oxidation. The error bars correspond to the s.d