Figure 6.
Teleseismic DAS recording of the M8.1 Chiapas, Mexico 2017-Sep-08 earthquake. (a) Seismic data for [black trace] one location and [red and blue] all locations from 0.0–7.6 km at a 2 m spacing (4001 traces total); top right inset shows surface waves arriving at the [black] south and [pink] north end locations of the array (backazimuth 120°), bottom left inset shows body waves arriving coincidently at both locations. A two-corner, zerophase, f = 0.01–0.5 Hz bandpass filter was applied. (b) Stacking 400 m or 200 consecutive DAS channels, color-coded by the bandpass filter applied to emphasize the broadband observation (1–100 seconds). Gray background traces show the single trace recording for cases that make a significant difference. Each of the traces is normalized to peak amplitude.