Source and availability of CHPs
Name, owner | Format | Academic use | Commercial use | Image data | Reference |
ViP V1.x, IT’IS Foundation, Switzerland | voxels proprietary (Sim4Life1) | free | license fees may apply | MRI | [11] |
ViP V3.x, IT’IS Foundation, Switzerland | proprietary (Sim4Life1) | free | license fees may apply | MRI | [12] |
XCAT, Duke University, USA | NURBS surface mesh voxels | license fees may apply | license fees may apply | NLM Visible Human chest CT used for personalization modified to ICRP-89 reference | [18] |
GSF Voxel Phantoms, Helmholtz Institute, Germany | voxels | free | prohibited | CT modified to ICRP-89 reference | [90] |
RPI Phantoms, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA | surface mesh voxels | free (collaborators) | n/a | NLM Visible Human CT modified to ICRP-89 reference | [77] |
UF Library, University Florida/ NIH NCI, USA | NURBS surface mesh voxels | free | license fees may apply | CT modified to ICRP-89 reference | [93] |
HDRK, Hanyang University, South-Korea | voxels surface mesh tetrahedral mesh | free | unknown | Visible Korean modified to reference Korean | [96] |
Japanese Voxel Phantoms, Japan Atomic Energy Agency | voxels | unknown | unknown | CT modified to ICRP-89 reference | [80] [211] |
Chinese Voxel Phantoms Institute for Radiation Protection, China | voxels | unknown | unknown | Visible Chinese | [79] [210] |
Pediatric Phantom Library Geneva University Hospital | voxels | unknown | unknown | modified from Virtual Population pediatric models | [81] |
GHBMC, GHBMC/ Elemance, USA | voxels surface mesh proprietary (LS-DYNA, PAM-CRASH, …) | license fees may apply | license fees may apply | CT and population statistics (e.g., cortical thickness) | [102] [212] |
THUMS, Toyota, LSTC, USA | proprietary (LS-DYNA) | unknown | unknown | CT | [106] |
AustinMan/Woman, University of Texas at Austin, USA | voxels | free CCBY-NC-ND 3.0 [99] | prohibited CCBY-NC-ND3.0 [99] | NLM Visible Human | [98] |
PIPER project, Open Source | proprietary (LS-DYNA) | free GPLv3 | free GPLv3 | unknown | [100] |
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