DDR1 and DDR2 interaction in different cell lines. DDR1 and DDR2 physical interaction was studied using co-immunoprecipitation (IP) assay. DDR1 or DDR2 were immunoprecipitated using anti DDR1 or DDR2 antibodies. Immunoprecipitation were analyzed in western blots using DDR2 or DDR1 antibodies. (A) IP of 293T cell lysates, SCB antibodies were used. (B) IP of DDR1-GFP and DDR2-mCherry transfected A375 cell lysates, CST antibodies used. IP CTL, IP with control rabbit IgG. (C) IP of C6 cell lysates, CST antibodies used. IP CTL, beads alone. N = 3 for each immunoprecipitation.