Figure 7. Broken-symmetry DFT computed Löwdin spin distributions and HFI values over four models (A, B, C and D) of the paramagnetic intermediate.
A, Depiction of the model A with Löwdin spin densities (red number) on three 13C nuclei (13C9, 13C8 and 13C10) and the bond distances (blue number) between guanidino nitrogens and Fe(II), also see Figure S15-S17 for details. B. The comparisons of spin densities and 15Na,b HFI values of four models with the experimental parameters. The spin-projection factors calculated from the structure are KA = 2.087, KB = −1.087 for model A, KA = 2.066, KB = −1.066 for model B, and KA = 2.019, KB = −1.019 for model C.