Fig. 5.
Histology and histopathology of ocular xenografts. A, B. Montage of images of cryosections of eyes with glioblastoma xenografts, immuno-labeled to highlight features of the tumors, including GFP (expressed in the glioblastoma cells), vasculature (collagen IV), and MHC differentiation marker CD8. The panels at right are confocal slices from the center of the cryosection, immunolabeled as indicated on the figure; the same images are presented overlaid with 50% transparency on the montage. Aa, triply labeled portion of the tumor (DAPI, GFP, collagen IV); Ab, same confocal slice as Aa, but without the GFP immunolabel; Ac confocal slice from a control region where no tumor cells were present, labeled as Ab. Aa-Ac serve to illustrate the tumor neovascularization and its interconnection with the choroidal vasculature, and also the pattern of collagen IV labeling of normal retinal (superior) and choroidal (posterior) vasculature. Ba, triply labeled portion of the tumor (DAPI, GFP, CD8); Bb, same confocal slice as Ba, but with the GFP labeling removed; Bc, control region illustrating normal pattern of CD8 labeling. The Type 1 tumor of panel A was created with the injection of 10,000 cells in 1 μL, and the animal sacrificed 13 weeks after injection; growth data from this tumor are also shown in Fig. 3(A), filled dark blue symbols. The Type 1 tumor of panel B was created by the injection of 5000 cells in 0.5 μL, and the mouse sacrificed 10 weeks after injection. Its initial growth trajectory is shown in Fig. 3(A) (filled black circles); the tumor was treated with light-activated nanodox, and the treatment series illustrated in Fig. 4(D) (filled black symbols).