Table 2. Significance of main effects and their interactions for grain compositional traits split by treatment and tested using Linear Mixed Model analysis.
Genotype | Replication | Genotype | Replication | |
control | control | drought | drought | |
Thousand-kernel weight (g) | *** | *** | *** | *** |
Protein content (mg/g) | *** | *** | *** | *** |
Glu/Gli | *** | n.s. | *** | n.s. |
UPP% | *** | n.s. | *** | n.s. |
β-glucan content (mg/g) | *** | * | *** | n.s. |
TOT-pentosan (mg/g) | *** | n.s. | *** | n.s. |
WE-pentosan (mg/g) | *** | n.s. | *** | n.s. |
TOT-pentosan/β-glucan | *** | n.s. | *** | * |
WE/WU-pentosan | *** | n.s. | *** | n.s. |
TOTAL GOS | *** | n.s. | *** | *** |
DP3/DP4 | *** | *** | * | n.s. |
TOTAL AXOS | *** | n.s. | *** | n.s. |
US/M+D | *** | n.s. | n.s. | n.s. |
M/D | *** | n.s. | *** | n.s. |
*,**,*** significant at the 0.05, 0.01, 0.001 probability level, respectively
n.s., not significant
AXOS, arabinoxylan oligosaccharides; D, disubstituted AXOS; DP, degree of polymerisation; Gli, gliadin; Glu, glutenin; GOS, glucooligosaccharides; M, monosubstituted AXOS; TOT, total; UPP, unextractable polymeric proteins; US, unsubstituted AXOS; WE, water-extractable; WU, water-unextractable