Figure 3.
Lysosomes show hindered motility on detyrosinated microtubules. (A) Trajectory (yellow) shows the motility of a lysosome (orange). (B) Super-resolution image of the same region showing detyrosinated α-tubulin (magenta) and tyrosinated α-tubulin (green). (C) Lysosome trajectory from A overlaid with the super-resolution image of detyrosinated α-tubulin from B. (D) Lysosome trajectory color coded to indicate the processive runs (blue) and the nonprocessive pauses (red). (E–H) Comparison of run length (E), fraction of time spent pausing (F), number of pauses per total track length (G), and speed (H) for lysosomes moving on detyrosinated (magenta) and tyrosinated (green) microtubules. Total number of tracks analyzed, n = 64 for tyrosinated and n = 51 for detyrosinated, from five different cells. The values indicate the mean and the SD. The asterisk indicates the statistical significance of the difference in the motility parameter of the tyrosinated versus the detyrosinated populations, determined by two-tailed two-sample t test (*, P < 0.05). Bars, 500 nm.