Fig. 1.
Typical clinical features in patients. a–c Characteristic facial features including cataract extraction (b), microphthalmia, deep set eyes, and tented upper lip in two affected individuals (III-3, IV-4). Patient III-3 is shown at age of 1.5 years (b) and 3 years (c). d Severe truncal hypotonia featured by “frog-like” lying position. e Lower limb hypertrichosis. f Gastrostomy tube as well as vascular skin changes (livedo reticularis). g T1-sagital MR in patient III-3 showing hypoplastic corpus callosum (red arrow), cerebellar atrophy (yellow arrow), and cortical atrophy. h T2-axial magnetic resonance in patient IV-4 showing global cortical atrophy as manifested by enlarged ventricles (yellow arrow) and wide open Sylvian fissures consistent with temporal atrophy (red arrow)