Fig. 6.
Impaired cellular motility in patient-derived fibroblasts. a Quantitative analysis of the wound-closing activity of control and patient-derived fibroblasts in the IncuCyte ZOOM™ scratch wound assay. Cells were grown in 96-well plates to form a monolayer and uniform scratch wounds were made with WoundMakerTM. Right: wound confluence graphed over time for one control and two patient-derived cell lines recorded every 2 h for a total duration of 126 h, showing the means ± SEM for six replicates in each cell line. Left: segmented and masked representative images showing the initial position (t = 0) and the extent of wound closure after 52 h. A significant delay in cell migration and wound closing was observed in both of the patient-derived lines. b Random two-dimensional (2D) cell motility of sparsely plated control and patient-derived fibroblasts. Left: trajectory plots of individual cells from one control and two patient-derived cell lines. Images were acquired every 30 min for a total of 20 h using the IncuCyte ZOOM™ acquisition software. Right: quantitative analysis of the velocity, accumulated distance (total cell path length), and Euclidean distance (shortest distance between starting and end point of migration); n = 49 (Control), n = 83 (Patient 1), n = 56 (Patient 2); bars indicate SEM. Reduced 2D motility is observed for both patient lines in all the parameters