Response of stop cells to MLR stimulation of increasing intensity. A, Activity pattern of three populations of RS cells in response to MLR stimulation (adapted from Juvin et al., 2016): start cell (left), maintain cell (middle), and stop cell (right). B, Concurrent intracellular recording of a stop cell (top) and swimming activity (bottom) in a semi-intact preparation in response to different MLR stimulation intensities (2–10 μA). C, Schematic representation of the semi-intact preparation. The brainstem is illustrated with intracellular (RS cells) and stimulation electrodes (MLR). Swimming movements of the intact body are monitored with a video camera. D, Relationship between the number of spikes in the termination burst and the intensity of the MLR stimulation (n = 8 trials recorded in one stop cell). E, Similar representation as in D, but for six stop cells recorded in six preparations. Pooled data (black dots) were binned as a function of maximal stimulation intensity with a bin size of 10% (52 individual trials; gray dots). The number of spikes and the stimulation intensities were normalized and are represented as a percentage of maximal values.