FIG 1.
Transgene stability of reporter RV SA11 expressing NanoLuc luciferase (NLuc) or ZsGreen (ZsG). (A) Construction of the NSP1-NLuc-Full and NSP1-ZsG-Full genes. The NLuc or ZsG gene was inserted into the SA11 NSP1 gene between nucleotides 111 and 112. (B) Fluorescence imaging of rsSA11-ZsG-infected cells. MA104 cells were infected with rsSA11 or rsSA11-ZsG-Full, and ZsG expression was observed under a fluorescence microscope. As a control, NSP4 was detected in an indirect immunofluorescence assay using rabbit anti-NSP4 serum and a CF594-conjugated anti-rabbit IgG antibody. (C and D) Stability of the NLuc and ZsG genes after serial passage of reporter RVs. Electrophoresis of the dsRNA genome purified from rsSA11-NLuc-Full and rsSA11-ZsG-Full viruses, as indicated, after passages 5 and 10. Black arrow, NSP1; white arrowheads, the NSP1-NLuc gene (C) or the NSP1-ZsG gene (D); white arrows, truncated NSP1-NLuc (C) or NSP1-ZsG (D) gene.