Fig. 7.
TRIM14 function was demonstrated in vivo and IHC. a ShCtrl-transplanted and shTRIM14-transplanted LN229 cells were counted and transplanted in orthotopic nude mice model respectively, n = 6. b Survival curve of shCtrl-transplanted or shTRIM14-transplanted intracranial xenografts. ***, P < 0.001, n = 6. c Representative pseudocolour bioluminescence images of orthotopic tumours bearing control or TRIM14-depleted LN229 cells on the days as indicated. Quantification of tumor volume is shown. ***p < 0.001; n = 3 experiment. d The HE assay was performed to show tumor cytostructure. e Western blot analysis of TRIM14 and ZEB2 extracted from four pairs mice from shCtrl-transplanted group and shCtrl-transplanted group. Equal loading is confirmed by β-actin levels. f IHC staining of TRIM14 and ZEB2 in four representative GBM specimens