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. 2019 Feb 6;22(2):e25242. doi: 10.1002/jia2.25242

Table 2.

PrEP uptake preferences and PrEP awareness predicted by the PrEP concerns among men participated in the China MSMs HIV PrEP Uptake Willingness Online Survey, 2017 (N = 4581)

Total (N = 4581) Heard of PrEP PrEP uptake preferences
Yes (%) (n = 1028) No (%) (n = 3553) χ² p value Definitely yes (%) (n = 1191) Probably yes (%) (n = 2274) No (%) (n = 1116) χ²p value
PrEP uptake preferences <0.001
Yes 1191 (26.0) 335 (32.6) 856 (24.1)
Maybe 2274 (49.6) 486 (47.3) 1788 (50.3)
No 1116 (24.4) 207 (20.1) 909 (25.6)
Heard of PrEP <0.001
Yes 1028 (22.4) 335 (28.1) 486 (21.4) 207 (18.5)
No 3553 (77.6) 856 (71.9) 1788 (78.6) 909 (81.5)
Preferences on where to get PrEP 0.294
Medical facilities 713 (15.5) 221 (21.5) 492 (13.8) <0.001 249 (20.9) 464 (20.4)
Pharmacies/Internet pharmacies/vending machine 2121 (46.3) 452 (44.0) 1669 (47.0) 710 (59.6) 1411 (62.0)
Gay communities 581 (12.7) 138 (13.4) 443 (12.5) 210 (17.6) 371 (16.3)
Others 1166 (25.5) 217 (21.1) 949 (26.7) 22 (1.8) 28 (1.2)
Concerns about PrEP
Perceived risk of HIV 0.102 <0.001
Low 903 (19.7) 221 (21.5) 682 (19.2) 143 (12.0) 408 (17.9) 352 (31.5)
High 3678 (80.3) 807 (78.5) 2871 (80.8) 1048 (88.0) 1866 (82.1) 764 (68.5)
Doubts on PrEP's efficacy <0.001 0.061
Yes 2604 (56.8) 514 (50.0) 2090 (58.8) 646 (54.2) 1328 (58.4) 630 (56.5)
No 1977 (43.2) 514 (50.0) 1463 (41.2) 545 (45.8) 946 (41.6) 486 (43.5)
Worry about PrEP's side effects 0.476 <0.001
Yes 3203 (69.9) 728 (70.8) 2475 (69.7) 803 (67.4) 1661 (73.0) 739 (66.2)
No 1378 (30.1) 300 (29.2) 1078 (30.3) 388 (32.6) 613 (27.0) 377 (33.8)
Financial burden 0.036 <0.001
Yes 2048 (44.7) 489 (47.6) 1559 (43.9) 602 (50.5) 1005 (49.1) 441 (39.5)
No 2533 (55.3) 539 (52.4) 1994 (56.1) 589 (49.5) 1269 (50.1) 675 (60.5)
Have no access to PrEP 0.001 <0.001
Yes 1954 (42.7) 393 (38.2) 1561 (43.9) 588 (49.4) 973 (42.8) 393 (35.2)
No 2627 (57.3) 635 (61.8) 1992 (56.1) 603 (50.6) 1301 (57.2) 723 (64.8)
Inconvenience in taking PrEP everyday 0.554 0.565
Yes 1078 (23.5) 249 (24.2) 829 (23.3) 281 (23.6) 547 (24.1) 250 (22.4)
No 3503 (76.5) 779 (75.8) 2724 (76.7) 910 (76.4) 1727 (75.9) 866 (77.6)
Prefer using condom as protection for HIV 0.050 <0.001
Yes 1734 (37.9) 416 (40.5) 1318 (37.1) 321 (27.0) 889 (39.1) 524 (47.0)
No 2847 (62.1) 612 (59.5) 2235 (62.9) 870 (73.0) 1385 (60.9) 592 (53.0)

MSM, men who have sex with men; χ2, Chi‐squared test; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; PrEP, pre‐exposure prophylaxis.