Figure 3.
Illustration of the label switching problem. Plotted here are MCMC simulation traces for πj using a randomly selected subset of 200 observations from the full Add Health data. We fitted a simpler model with 3 latent classes instead of 4 to show a more visible pattern. Subplots (a) – (c) are the traces for the original MCMC chain. Subplots (d) – (f) are the relabeled chains. Signs of label switching are present in (a) where the chain first hovers around π1 ≈ 0.60 and then it drifts to the proximity of 0.15 near the 2,000th iteration. This is corroborated by (c) where π3 drifts up to ≈ 0.60 exactly when π1 drifts down to ≈ 0.15, an indication that π1 and π3 switched labels during simulation. Similarly, signs of label switching are also visible in the π2 chain, although not as pronounced. The relabeled MCMC chains in (d) – (f) show visibly improved simulation traces.