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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2019 May 1.
Published in final edited form as: Multivariate Behav Res. 2018 Feb 9;53(3):430–451. doi: 10.1080/00273171.2018.1428892

Table 4.

Parameter estimates for the full Add Health sample (N = 6, 504) by different computation strategies.

Computation Strategy Latent Classes

Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4
gibbs() sampling π^j 0.481* (0.016) 0.088 (0.010) 0.139 (0.014) 0.293 (0.019)

Lied to parents 0.272 (0.013) 0.919 (0.020) 0.728 (0.021) 0.728 (0.019)
Publicly loud/rowdy/unruly 0.170 (0.015) 0.968 (0.019) 0.561 (0.032) 0.775 (0.021)
Damaged property 0.006 (0.003) 0.818 (0.046) 0.258 (0.028) 0.256 (0.016)
Shoplifting 0.021 (0.005) 0.875 (0.021) 0.949 (0.035) 0.050 (0.024)
Stolen something worth < $50 0.008 (0.003) 0.862 (0.024) 0.706 (0.043) 0.047 (0.014)
Taken part in group fight 0.041 (0.006) 0.627 (0.037) 0.201 (0.025) 0.325 (0.017)

SAS PROC LCA π^j 0.479 (0.016) 0.086 (0.011) 0.140 (0.016) 0.295 (0.019)

Lied to parents 0.270 (0.012) 0.922 (0.020) 0.731 (0.021) 0.726 (0.019)
Publicly loud/rowdy/unruly 0.168 (0.014) 0.974 (0.023) 0.561 (0.033) 0.774 (0.022)
Damaged property 0.005 (0.020) 0.822 (0.048) 0.260 (0.030) 0.253 (0.015)
Shoplifting 0.020 (0.005) 0.879 (0.021) 0.964 (0.038) 0.043 (0.028)
Stolen something worth < $50 0.008 (0.002) 0.862 (0.025) 0.695 (0.044) 0.052 (0.014)
Taken part in group fight 0.040 (0.006) 0.631 (0.038) 0.202 (0.027) 0.324 (0.016)

poLCA() in R π^j 0.297 (0.019) 0.084 (0.010) 0.140 (0.015) 0.479 (0.016)

Lied to parents 0.726 (0.018) 0.924 (0.020) 0.734 (0.020) 0.270 (0.012)
Publicly loud/rowdy/unruly 0.773 (0.021) 0.978 (0.023) 0.565 (0.030) 0.167 (0.014)
Damaged property 0.254 (0.015) 0.829 (0.045) 0.263 (0.028) 0.005 (0.004)
Shoplifting 0.043 (0.028) 0.880 (0.021) 0.972 (0.042) 0.020 (0.005)
Stolen something worth < $50 0.055 (0.015) 0.864 (0.025) 0.697 (0.045) 0.008 (0.002)
Taken part in group fight 0.324 (0.016) 0.635 (0.036) 0.205 (0.025) 0.040 (0.006)

: Original parameter estimates without reordering the labels.

: posterior standard deviation.