Fig 1.
Detectable meiotic DSB hotspots in females. a, Ovary(pink) and testis(blue) DSB maps. b, SSDS coverage (3’ distance to center) at hotspots (HS) is narrower in females (maximum difference (X) is ~400 bp). c,d, PAR SSDS signal (green) is enriched in males, but not females. c, Coverage normalized by total chrX SSDS. d, Fold-change = PAR SSDS / (mean SSDS of chrX 50 Kb intervals). The PAR SSDS signal is elevated (3–5×) in controls (Input & IgG) because of unassembled repetitive DNA. e,f, Hotspots on chrX (orange) appear stronger in males (grey = autosomal). FPM = SSDS fragments per million.