Dynamics of S. mansoni movement under severe confinement. (a) Instantaneous substrate deformation patterns exerted by a moving worm in a 100 µm gap. (b) Instantaneous traction stress patterns exerted by a moving worm. (c,e) Maps of instantaneous substrate deformation in the directions longitudinal (c) and transverse (e) to worm body motion. (d,f) Maps of instantaneous traction stress in the directions longitudinal (d) and transverse (f) to worm body motion. In panels (a,b), the arrows and colour maps represent the direction and magnitude of the deformation and traction stress vectors, and have been superimposed on bright field images of the worm. Scale bar = 1 mm. (g) Simultaneous measurements of worm body width (blue) and longitudinal traction stress (red) along the worm's centreline (0 = posterior end, 1 = anterior end). (Online version in colour.)