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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2019 Feb 6.
Published in final edited form as: Transfusion. 2013 Oct 16;54(5):1418–1437. doi: 10.1111/trf.12421


Summary of the regenerative role of MSCs in clinical trials

Disease Patient profile MSC Source Dose (×106) Administration Outcome Ref [MFR ref]
Cardiovascular disorders
 Ac myocardial infarction n = 27 Auto BM-MSC Low = 50 (n = 6), high = 700 (n = 21) Intracoronary Dose did not affect outcome. Marked improvement in LVEF in patients with low pCO2 and HCO3. 80 [80]
 Ac myocardial infarction n = 53 (MSC n = 39, Ctrl n = 21). Allo BM-MSC 0.5, 1.6, 5/kg IV GSS and EF significantly better (p = 0.027) in MSC versus Ctrl, with an average AE rate of 5.3 and 7, respectively. 81 [prochymal]
 Ac myocardial infarction AMI with PCI (n = 16) Auto BM-MSC 12.2 ± 1.77 (grp-l), 13.2 ± 1.76 (grp-lI) LAD Group I (n = 8), RCA Group II (n = 8) Symptomatic improvement at t = 6 months, with MSC infusion. No patient died, was readmitted, or had another MI. No angiographic in-stent restenosis detected in either group. 82 [82]
 Ac myocardial infarction AMI with PCI (MSC n = 35; Ctrl n = 35) Auto BM-MSC 8 × 103−1 × 104/mL Intracoronary Significant improvement (p < 0.05) in cardiac function in MSC versus Ctrl at t = 3 months and t = 6 months. 83 [5]
 Myocardial infarction (old) MSC n = 8; Ctrl n = 8 Auto BM-MSC 5.55 (2.1–9.1) Injected at CABG or PCI Significant improvement in NYHA class (p < 0.000), SPECT scan (p < 0.002), and LVEF (<0.005) in MSC versus Ctrl. 84 [84]
 Myocardial infarction (old and recent) MSC n = 11; Ctrl n = 11 Auto BM-MSC and EPCs 1–2 Intracoronary Intracoronary use of MSCs is feasible, safe, and helps in local regeneration of myocardial tissue early or late following MI. 85 [85]
 Refractory angina n = 31 Auto BM-MSC NA Intramyocardial All showed significant improvement (p < 0.001) in LVEF and exercise tolerance from baseline level. 86 [86]
 Ischemic cardiomyopathy LV dysfunction with remote Ml (n = 8) Auto BM-MNC (n = 4), BM-MSC (n = 4) 200 TEC injection MNCs and MSCs help to reverse remodeling of chr, myocardial scar. Significant declines in systolic and diastolic volumes, obscuring → EF Chamber size, MI size, or regional function more likely to improve with treatment. 87 [87]
 Dilated cardiomyopathy n = 40 (PBEP n = 11, BM-MNCs n =29) Auto-PBEP and BM-MNCs 5 mL (100 to 1000 cells/mL) EC n = 9, IC n = 25, IP n = 6 Significant improvement in EF (25%) at t = 6 months. Repeated stem cell infusion required for sustained improvement. 88 [88]
 Ischemic cardiomyopathy MSC n = 22; Ctrl n = 23 Auto BM-MSCs NA Intracoronary Significant improvement in exercise tolerance, ↓ reversible defects (p < 0.05) at t = 12 months in MSCs versus baseline and Ctrl. 89 [89]
 Dilated cardiomyopathy MSC n = 12; Ctrl n = 12 Auto BM-MSCs NA Intracoronary Significant ↓ in plasma BNP levels (p < 0.05) and improvement in 6-minute walk test in MSC versus baseline and Ctrl. 90 [90]
Limb or skin disorders
 Type 2 diabetes with limb ischemia n = 41 (82 limbs): MSC n = 20, MNC n = 21, Ctrl n = 41 Auto BM-MSCs and MNCs MSCs, 930 ± 110; MNCs, 960 ± 110 Intramuscular injection Marked improvement in rest pain (p< 0.05) and pain free walking in both groups from baseline. MSC Group showed better (p < 0.02) ulcer healing and collateral formation than MNC Group. 95 [95]
 Type 2 diabetes with limb ischemia Limb ischemia (n = 10) Auto BM-MSCs and MNCs MSCs and MNCs, 30 Intramuscular injection Marked improvement in rest pain (p< 0.05) and pain-free walking from baseline. Better (p < 0.02) ulcer healing and collateral formation. 96 [96]
 Cutaneous wound healing Acute (n = 5); chronic (n = 8) Auto BM-MSCs 2/cm2 wound surface area LA, 4× fibrin polymer spray All acute (skin cancer surgery) wounds showed complete recovery at 6 weeks. Only three of six chronic wounds showed complete closure, 98 [98]
 Nonhealing ulcers (chronic) BGD (MSC = 9, Ctrl = 9), DM (MSC = 3, Ctrl = 3) Auto BM-MSCs 40–50 (>106 cells/cm2 of ulcer) Intramuscular injection Marked decrease in ulcer size (p < 0.001) and improvement in pain free walking (p <0.001) in MSC versus Ctrl. 97 [97]
Hepatic disorders
 Decompensated liver cirrhosis Chr-HBV (MSC n = 30, Ctrl n = 15) UC-MSCs 0.5 IV Significant Improvement liver function and ↓ in ascites vol, for MSC versus Ctrl (p < 0.05). 91 [108]
 End-stage liver cell failure Chr-HCV (MSC n = 20, Ctrl n = 20) Auto BM-MSCs 20 hep-lineage (total 200 MNCs) IS n = 10, IH n = 10 Improved child score, MELD score, fatigue scale, and ↓ ascites In vol, in MSC versus Ctrl, Route of Infusion not related to outcome. 92 [92]
4 HBV, 1HCV, 1 alcoholic, 2 crypto LF Auto BM-MSCs 30–50 Peripheral or portal vein MELD score showed marked improvement (p <0.05) in liver function versus baseline. 93 [93]
 Decompensated liver cirrhosis n = 4 Auto BM-MSCs 31.73 Peripheral vein 2/4 patients showed improvement In MELD score >with an overall ↑ QOL in all. 94 [109]
Neurologic disorders
 Ischemic stroke n = 12 Auto BM-MSCs 0.6–1.6 IV, 36–133 days after stroke Marked Improvement (p< 0.001) In NIHSS change. Mean lesion volume ↓ >20% at 1 week after Infusion. 99 [110]
 Ischemic stroke MSC n = 16, Ctrl n = 36 Auto BM-MSCs 50 (2 doses) IV, 2 weeks apart MSC group showed clinical Improvement (MRS score p < 0.05) versus Ctrl. Death in 25% of patients In MSC grp and 58.3% In Ctrl at follow-up. 100 [100]
 Parkinson’s disease n =7 (MDD 14.7 ±7.56 years) Auto BM-MSCs 1 /kg Stereotaxic lat, ventrlc, zone 37 patients with Improved UPDRS. 22.9 and 38% Increase in mean “off” and “on” score versus baseline. Marked ↓ in dose noted in 2. 111 [111]
 Spinal cord injury n = 30 (cervical or thoracic levels) Auto BM-MSCs 1 /kg Lumbar puncture Auto BM-MSCs are safe and feasible in spinal cord Injury patients. 102 [102]
 Ischemic stroke n = 30 (MSC n = 5, Ctrl Auto BM-MSCs 50 (2 doses) IV, 2 weeks apart Barthel index in MSC grp better than Ctrl at t = 3, 6, and 12 months In (p = 0.011,0.017, 0.115) and MRS score (p = 0.076, 0.171, 0.286) 101 [101]
Bone and cartilage disorders
 Osteoarthritis (knee) n = 25) n = 4 Auto BM-MSCs 8–9 Intraarticular Subjective clinical Improvement. No objective evidence of cartilage repair on X-ray. 103 [103]
 Osteoarthritis (AVN-F head) 16 hips; A-Core, n = 8, B-MSC+ Core, n = 8 Auto BM-MSCs Not specified Injected Into femur head Marked difference in necrosis area of femoral head between group A and B at 12 months (p < 0.05). 104 [104]
 Osteoarthritis (knee) n = 41 Auto BM-MSCs 5/mL Artic, cartilage collagen sheet. Primarily safety and feasibility study. 105 [105]
 Osteoarthritis (knee) n = 1 Auto BM-MSCs 22.4 Intraarticular Significant cartilage and menlscal growth on MRI, ↑ In range of motion, ↓ in VAS pain scores. 112 [112]
 IOOD n = 6 (dental implant placement) Auto BM-MSCs 400/cc scaffold Implantation through scaffold Viable bone substitute leading to bone formation In mice after SC implant. Same construct failed to form bone In IOOD patients. 106 [106]
 MLD and MPS-IH MPS-IH (n = 5) MLD (n = 6; post-BMT) Allo BM-MSCs (ID sib) 2–10/kg IV No clinical Improvement in mental or physical development after MSC infusion, except ↑ in conduction velocity In MLD patients. 107 [107]

Ac. = acute; AE = adverse event; Allo = allogeneic; AMI = acute myocardial infarction; Auto = autologous; AWMI = anterior wall myocardial Infarction; BGD = Berger’s disease; CABG = coronary artery bypass graft; CAD = coronary artery disease; Chr, = chronic; Ctrl = control group; DM = diabetes mellitus; EC = eplcardial; grp = group; GSS = global symptom score; 1C = intracoronary; IH = Intrahepatlc; IOOD = intraoral osseous defect; IP = Intrapulmonary; IS = Intrasplenlc; LVEF = left ventricular ejection fraction; MELD = model for end-stage liver disease; MFR ref = MSC manufacturing protocol designed previously and followed in this study; MRS = modified Rankin score; NIHSS = National Institute of Health Stroke Scale; PBEP = peripheral blood endothelial progenitors; PCI = percutaneous coronary implant; QOL = quality of life; TEC = transendocardial; UC-MSC = umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells, Adverse events—Nil.