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. 2019 Feb 6;14(2):e0210952. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0210952

Table 3. Assignment predictions made with the naïve Bayes classifier.

Pine and poplar rust assays % TP a % FP a Accuracy (%)
Cronartium spp.—41/29b
 CRO30 92.7 (94.59) 3.5 (11.72) 94.3 (91.44)
CRO46 100.0 (99.11) 0.0 (0.45) 100.0 (99.33)
 CRO30 + CRO46 100.0 (99.86) 3.5 (2.47) 98.6 (98.70)
Cronartium ribicola—64/34b
 CRIB65 96.9 (99.43) 5.9 (2.32) 95.9 (98.56)
 CRIB146 100.0 (100.0) 0.0 (0.69) 100.0 (99.66)
 CRIB190 90.6 (97.95) 0.0 (0.64) 93.9 (98.65)
 CRIB65 + CRIB46 100.0 (100.0) 0.0 (0.21) 100.0 (99.90)
 CRIB65 + CRIB190 95.3 (99.86) 0.0 (0.11) 96.9 (99.88)
 CRIB146 + CRIB190 100.0 (100.0) 0.0 (0.40) 100.0 (99.80)
CRIB65 + CRIB146 + CRIB190 100.0 (100.0) 0.0 (0.14) 100.0 (99.93)
Melampsora spp.—105/12b
 MEL40 92.4 (91.21) 8.3 (7.85) 92.3 (91.68)
 MEL100 99.1 (99.61) 0.0 (0.46) 99.2 (99.57)
 MEL176 99.1 (99.12) 0.0 (0.23) 99.2 (99.45)
 MEL40 + MEL100 99.1 (99.85) 0.0 (0.69) 99.2 (99.58)
 MEL40 + MEL176 99.1 (99.77) 0.0 (0.86) 99.2 (99.45)
MEL100 + MEL176 100.0 (99.99) 0.0 (0.11) 100.0 (99.94)
 MEL40 + MEL100 + MEL176 100.0 (100.0) 0.0 (0.39) 100.0 (99.80)
Melampsora medusae—67/31b
 MM53 98.5 (99.10) 0.0 (0.39) 99.0 (99.36)
 MM74 92.5 (95.04) 3.2 (3.11) 93.9 (95.97)
MM53 + MM74 100.0 (99.93) 0.0 (0.88) 100.0 (99.52)
Melampsora larici-populina—91/46b
 MLP104 100.0 (99.33) 0.0 (0.39) 100.0 (99.47)
 MLP133 100.0 (98.90) 0.0 (0.27) 100.0 (99.31)
MLP104 + MLP133 100.0 (99.98) 0.0 (0.14) 100.0 (99.92)

Values on the left are estimates obtained from the training set and values on the right, in parentheses, are those obtained from resampling. Lines highlighted in bold characters correspond to the best assay or assay combinations, as predicted after the resampling procedure.

aTP: true positive; FP: false positive.

bNumber of samples tested (positives/negatives).