Table 8.
Percentage of Men Age 25–54 Taking Prescription Pain Medication Using Various Methods of Paymenta
Payment method | Percent |
Out of pocket | 24.7 |
Private health insurance | 13.0 |
Medicaid | 37.7 |
Medicare | 29.2 |
Veterans Affairs or Tricareb | 9.6 |
Other | 10.3 |
Source: Princeton Pain Survey.
The sample consists of 94 respondents who did not have a steady, full-time job during wave 2 of the survey. The data are weighted using survey weights that have been adjusted to match age, race, and ethnicity figures from the Current Population Survey’s Annual Social and Economic Supplement for 2016.
Veterans Affairs and Tricare are not explicit categories, but were often listed if the respondent selected “other.” Respondents citing these methods are not included in the total for the “other” category.