Figure 4.
A total of 2×106 cells /6cm petri dish of (A) HeLa HeLa-siRNA-Hsp70, (B) A549 and A549-siRNA-Hsp70, and (C) MCF7 and MCF7-siRNA-Hsp70 cells were cultured for 0, 4, 8, 24 and 48 h in poly(2-hydroxyethyl methac-rylate) (poly-hema)-coated plates. Following staining with propidium iodide and Annexin V fluorescent FITC-conjugated antibody, the samples were analyzed for anoikis apoptosis by flow cytometry. Each point represents the mean value ± SD of 3 measurements in three separate experiments. In all points, apart from those at 4 h, the P-values were <0.01.