Clinical assessment of donor kidney biopsies by Kidney Donor Profile Index (KDPI) and Remuzzi scoring and proteomic profiling. A, KDPI and Remuzzi scoring failed to discriminate the donor kidneys in risk of suboptimal transplantation outcomes. KDPI scoring was performed using the KDPI online calculator; there was no significant difference between the KDPI scoring of the donors included in the study (Mann-Whitney test; P = 0.69; data show mean ± standard deviation [SD]). B, Histological analysis shows there was no significant difference between the Remuzzi scoring of the donors included in the study (Mann-Whitney test; P = 0.1; data show mean ± SD). C, Proteomic profiling of donor kidneys. Kidney tissue proteome profiles discriminate donors by unsupervised principle component analysis on the basis of allograft function after transplantation.