Wave 1 to Wave 2 prevalence of probable PTSD status groups by Wave 1 factors among Asian and White World Trade Center registry participants
Asian (n = 2,431) |
White (n = 31,455) |
Resilient %(n) |
Chronic %(n) |
Delayed %(n) |
Resilient %(n) |
Chronic %(n) |
Delayed %(n) |
Age**: | |||||||||||||
18–24 | 85.26 (133) | 2.56 (4) | 9.62 (15) | 83.28 (757) | 4.95 (45) | 8.03 (73) | |||||||
25–44 | 78.98 (943) | 7.79 (93) | 8.04 (96) | 79.58 (11794) | 7.18 (1064) | 9.79 (1451) | |||||||
45–64 | 69.98 (606) | 11.89 (103) | 10.16 (88) | 79.04 (11258) | 8.03 (1144) | 9.51 (1354) | |||||||
65+ | 82.33 (177) | 3.72 (8) | 10.23 (22) | 87.86 (1303) | 4.79 (71) | 4.38 (65) | |||||||
Gender*: | |||||||||||||
Male | 77.11 (997) | 8.58 (111) | 9.36 (121) | 80.60 (16907) | 6.62 (1388) | 10.03 (2104) | |||||||
Female | 75.75 (862) | 8.52 (97) | 8.79 (100) | 78.30 (8205) | 8.93 (936) | 8.01 (839) | |||||||
Education**: | |||||||||||||
High school or less | 70.03 (416) | 8.75 (52) | 14.31 (85) | 72.64 (4332) | 11.44 (682) | 11.45 (683) | |||||||
Some college/technical school | 75.56 (269) | 8.43 (30) | 9.83 (35) | 76.89 (5591) | 8.60 (625) | 11.15 (811) | |||||||
College graduate | 78.34 (698) | 8.75 (78) | 7.07 (63) | 81.78 (8830) | 6.41 (692) | 8.72 (941) | |||||||
Professional/graduate school | 81.04 (466) | 8.00 (46) | 6.43 (37) | 85.85 (6314) | 4.30 (316) | 6.74 (496) | |||||||
Missing | 66.67 (10) | 13.33 (2) | 6.67 (1) | 66.18 (45) | 13.24 (9) | 17.65 (12) | |||||||
Income**: | |||||||||||||
< $50,0000 | 69.37 (641) | 11.36 (105) | 12.23 (113) | 73.33 (4220) | 12.20 (702) | 9.63 (554) | |||||||
$50,000– < $75,0000 | 77.16 (321) | 8.89 (37) | 7.69 (32) | 77.03 (4691) | 8.26 (503) | 10.94 (666) | |||||||
$75,000– < $100,000 | 80.07 (233) | 5.84 (17) | 8.93 (26) | 80.01 (4988) | 6.67 (416) | 10.31 (643) | |||||||
$100,000 or more | 85.12 (429) | 6.35 (32) | 4.96 (25) | 83.96 (8634) | 5.12 (527) | 8.27 (850) | |||||||
Missing | 79.39 (235) | 5.74 (17) | 8.45 (25) | 83.41 (2579) | 5.69 (176) | 7.44 (230) | |||||||
Employment status*: | |||||||||||||
Unemployed/unreported | 76.22 (423) | 9.01 (50) | 9.55 (53) | 73.12 (3074) | 13.42 (564) | 9.47 (398) | |||||||
Employed | 76.55 (1436) | 8.42 (158) | 8.96 (168) | 80.87 (22038) | 6.46 (1760) | 9.34 (2545) | |||||||
Marital status**: | |||||||||||||
Married/cohabiting | 75.58 (1207) | 8.83 (141) | 9.33 (149) | 81.43 (17887) | 6.38 (1401) | 9.18 (2017) | |||||||
Divorced/widowed/separated | 66.53 (157) | 13.56 (32) | 12.71 (30) | 70.35 (2328) | 13.36 (442) | 11.18 (370) | |||||||
Never married | 83.45 (484) | 5.69 (33) | 6.72 (39) | 79.42 (4843) | 7.69 (469) | 8.90 (543) | |||||||
Missing | 61.11 (11) | 11.11 (2) | 16.67 (3) | 65.06 (54) | 14.46 (12) | 15.66 (13) | |||||||
Immigration status**: | |||||||||||||
United States born | 80.33 (976) | 6.91 (84) | 7.49 (91) | 80.17 (23714) | 7.22 (2137) | 9.35 (2765) | |||||||
Immigrant/unreported | 72.62 (883) | 10.20 (124) | 10.69 (130) | 74.60 (1398) | 9.98 (187) | 9.50 (178) | |||||||
Recruitment source**: | |||||||||||||
List-identified | 81.48 (475) | 5.83 (34) | 7.38 (43) | 85.44 (7279) | 4.81 (410) | 7.09 (604) | |||||||
Self-identified | 74.89 (1384) | 9.42 (174) | 9.63 (178) | 77.75 (17833) | 8.34 (1914) | 10.20 (2339) | |||||||
Direct exposure**: | |||||||||||||
0–1 | 85.88 (961) | 3.31 (37) | 7.24 (81) | 90.49 (11089) | 2.51 (307) | 5.33 (653) | |||||||
2–3 | 73.62 (731) | 9.47 (94) | 9.67 (96) | 78.07 (10491) | 7.67 (1031) | 10.27 (1380) | |||||||
4–6 | 52.35 (167) | 24.14 (77) | 13.79 (44) | 61.30 (3532) | 17.11 (986) | 15.79 (910) | |||||||
Job loss due to 9/11**: | |||||||||||||
No | 80.00 (1696) | 6.51 (138) | 8.07 (171) | 82.08 (23823) | 5.89 (1709) | 8.81 (2557) | |||||||
Yes | 51.77 (146) | 23.76 (67) | 15.25 (43) | 50.05 (1065) | 27.11 (577) | 16.73 (356) | |||||||
Missing | 58.62 (17) | 10.34 (3) | 24.14 (7) | 74.17 (224) | 12.58 (38) | 9.93 (30) | |||||||
Lost someone on 9/11**: | |||||||||||||
No | 78.69 (1617) | 7.15 (147) | 8.61 (177) | 83.03 (18591) | 5.86 (1312) | 7.73 (1730) | |||||||
Yes | 64.36 (242) | 16.22 (61) | 11.70 (44) | 71.94 (6521) | 11.16 (1012) | 13.38 (1213) | |||||||
Tangible loss**: | |||||||||||||
No or Missing | 77.21 (1633) | 7.71 (163) | 8.94 (189) | 80.96 (22592) | 6.83 (1906) | 8.91 (2486) | |||||||
Yes | 71.52 (226) | 14.24 (45) | 10.13 (32) | 70.99 (2520) | 11.77 (418) | 12.87 (457) | |||||||
Lower respiratory symptoms**: | |||||||||||||
No or Missing | 87.43 (1002) | 2.71 (31) | 6.63 (76) | 91.08 (13600) | 2.30 (343) | 4.90 (732) | |||||||
Yes | 66.69 (857) | 13.77 (177) | 11.28 (145) | 69.67 (11512) | 11.99 (1981) | 13.38 (2211) | |||||||
Pre-9/11 depression/anxiety**: | |||||||||||||
No | 78.75 (1682) | 7.68 (164) | 7.96 (170) | 81.43 (22310) | 6.68 (1830) | 8.80 (2411) | |||||||
Yes | 55.42 (46) | 10.84 (9) | 24.10 (20) | 70.85 (2175) | 11.40 (350) | 11.92 (366) | |||||||
Missing | 61.79 (131) | 16.51 (35) | 14.62 (31) | 63.46 (627) | 14.57 (144) | 16.80 (166) |
Note. The p-values were based on Chi-square tests of the four trajectory groups; the remitted group is not presented.
p < 0.05 for Whites but notfor Asians.
p < 0.05 for both Whites and Asians.