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. 2018 Sep 3;28(1):155–163. doi: 10.1007/s10068-018-0461-7

Table 3.

Analysis of variance (ANOVA) for the regression

Source SS DF MS F value Prob > F
Model 123.70 9 13.74 23.09 0.0002*
A 68.68 1 68.68 115.36 < 0.0001
B 4.08 1 4.08 6.85 0.0346
C 5.49 1 5.49 9.23 0.0189
AB 0.41 1 0.41 0.69 0.4342
AC 8.29 1 8.29 13.93 0.0073
BC 12.36 1 12.36 20.75 0.0026
A2 3.59 1 3.59 6.03 0.0438
B2 3.14 1 3.14 5.28 0.0551
C2 17.94 1 17.94 30.14 0.0009
Residual 4.17 7 0.60
Lack of fit 2.63 3 0.88 2.28 0.2208**
Pure error 1.54 4 0.38
Cor total 127.86 16

R2 = 0.967 and adjusted R2 = 0.926, * significant, ** not significant