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. 2019 Jan 31;9:1890. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.01890

Table 1.

Type and concentration of chemicals applied to citrus trees in the field.

Chemicals Code Concentration and application additives
Mycoshield® Oxytetracycline Calcium Complex OXY 200 ppm with Tactic® surfactant
Firewall® Streptomycin Sulfate Strep 11 ounces per acre with Tactic® surfactant
Aliette® WDG Aluminum tris (O-ethyl phosphonate) ALI Five pounds per acre with Kinetic® surfactant
Silver Phosphite SP Two quarts per acre and a proprietary SP trunk drench formulation applied at 1 liter per tree with Kinetic® surfactant
Silver Nitrate SN 200 ppm concentration with nano-cre emulsion
Carvacrol CARV 500 ppm with Makon 12 emulsion
P-Cymene PCY 500 ppm with Makon 12 emulsion
Validoxyamine VA 200 ppm with nano-cre emulsion
Zhongshengmycin ZS 200 ppm with nano-cre emulsion
Sulfamethoxine sodium SDX 100 ppm with nano-cre emulsion
Penicillin G potassium (Positive control) PEN 500 ml 5,000 ppm solution, applied by trunk injection 3 times at approximately 1 week intervals
Untreated control CK